Hello friends! For those of you who didn't already know this, I'm engaged! This is the post I've been waiting to write. Yippee!
I'll start off with this: "it'll happen when you least expect it!" Anytime someone said this to me, I would get seriously annoyed...but it's completely true. If someone would have told me six months ago that I'd be engaged I wouldn't have believed it. In fact, at the beginning of the semester, I made a bet with my roommate that I wouldn't get asked out on a date. Obviously I was a tad bit mistaken. But I am so incredibly happy and in love right now. Life is grand!
So for anyone that would like to know, this is the proposal story. Enjoy!
Okay Mathew and I have a system, we see each other once during the week, then Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays if we're lucky. It's not the most fun thing to do distance but in the end, it's completely worth it. Needless to say, I look forward to the weekends more than I ever did. Why do I bring this up? I was convinced every weekend that it would be THE weekend. Then the weekend would come and go, we'd say goodbye and I didn't have a ring. He even tricked me this last weekend and took me out to a fancy dinner and everything. Finally, I had to stop thinking about it because I was going crazy inside (trying my hardest to not let it show on the outside of course :) ). So, I convinced myself that it would be Christmas Eve/Day because he kept talking about my awesome Christmas present. What could be better than a diamond? Anyway, I accepted having to wait until Christmas.
Proposal Night
I had to go to Idaho Falls on Tuesday night because I had a dentist appointment Wednesday morning and was not interested in driving early in the a.m. Mathew came from Blackfoot and met me at my house to hang out. We ate dinner, ran to Wal-Mart for my mom and so he could buy Inception, then went back to make a gingerbread house. For some reason, I have been itching to make one and he never has so it seemed like a good time. While the house was drying before we could decorate, Mathew wanted to play some Super Mario World. So we went in my room and started playing. Sidenote: While at Wal-Mart, he wanted to find some peanut butter M&Ms (my favorite) for us but oddly enough, the didn't have ANY. So strange. He told me he had already bought a bag but wanted another. Back to the story. While we were playing, he pulled out the bag of M&Ms and handed them to me. (I'm still oblivious at this point) I opened them and they were small. I thought maybe they had changed the size or something...I dunno...but then I ate one and here were my first words, "they definitely put plain M&Ms in the bag." (still oblivious) He told me to dump them out so I did and out comes my ring! Oh jeeze! I was SHOCKED and completely speechless. He picked up one of the M&Ms and it said "Will you marry me?" How on earth did I not notice that the M&Ms had writing on them? My best answer is that I was totally not expecting the proposal that night...at all. I really thought the M&M company had just made a mistake, yeah I'm a genius. The other M&Ms said "I love you" and "Candace + Mathew." So, of course I said yes and he put the ring on my finger and I just could not stop smiling and giggling. Best. Night. Ever. I'm extremely happy that he found a way to surprise me, because of course I was expecting it at some point and I wasn't sure how he would pull it off. But he did and it was awesome! :)

The decoy bag
The big bag of awesome M&M's :)
The blue ones had the same phrases on them but you can see them better on the pink ones.
He was smart and thought to get this picture frame to hold the M&M's. We will put a picture when we eventually take ENGAGEMENTS! :) Even though he got this cute frame, I can not bring myself to eat the other M&M's. I am way too sentimental.
If you took the time to read this, I wouldn't mind reading your comments...just sayin :)