Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Proooocrastination as always

I decided I feel better about writing about my life on my blog than Facebook. I suddenly feel very goofy posting statuses and such. But my blog doesn't feel quite as weird, I guess because I know that those who are reading it actually want to hear about my life instead of just getting forced into reading it on their home page. Then again maybe not...I don't really know.

Okay the point of this post? I don't know. I'm back to my old habits of avoiding homework. I have a very important paper due on Friday for my internship and I just don't want to do it anymore. Bleh. I forgot how much I hate writing papers.

So sidenote: I made the Oreo stuffed chocolate chip cookies and they were ahhhmazing. I ate one cookie and felt like I had just eaten an entire meal. Seriously. They were that big. I gave the entire batch to Mathew (minus like one cookie) so I wouldn't be faced with the temptation.

In other news, please note that the blog countdown now says ONE month and ____ days. Mathew and I are pretty psyched about that. :)

In other other news, we got an apartment. Yay! And it was the one we wanted.

Oh also, Valentine's Day was excellent. I have pictures...on my camera...not on my I'll tell more about the date later. Let's just say it was the first positive Valentine's and I loved it. :)

Finally, life is good.


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