Monday, August 16, 2010

Life back at home

I have nothing specific to post about, but since everyone else seems to be keeping up with their blogs, I figured I would follow the crowd.

First and foremost, I survived Spring Semester of 2010...a.k.a. the most stressful semester. I probably say that every semester, but it's the truth every time. Etched Impressions was a success! We finished with the highest profits and the highest stock price, it was so exciting. Also, I was super honored because my company voted me to be the "Unsung Hero" of our company. I was excited, especially since I got a snazzy BYU-Idaho blanket! :) I am so happy to be finished with the company but I'm also super grateful for everything I learned. The IBC program is so hard but SO rewarding. I agree with its purpose whole-heartedly, the things we learn in IBC definitely can not be taught in a classroom. I feel like I now have some real experience to go out into the business world with.

What has life been like without Etched Impressions? Glorious. (I do kind of miss it sometimes though shhh) Without school and Etched Impressions to keep me busy, it's been back to full-time at JCPenney for me! It has been so crazy since I have been back. I come back just as back-to-school shopping starts and it is a madhouse. Thankfully, suits doesn't bring in a ton of that chaos but I've had to work some shifts in men's and women's. I'll be honest, I am not a fan. People are too messy in those areas and I prefer to work in a clean, relaxed environment where I can actually help the customers instead of just clean up after them. Oh well, the chaos is over until Christmas...hopefully.

Other news, I actually miss being in Rexburg. I know I've mentioned this before, but I had such amazing people in my life this last semester and I am going crazy without them. It's killing me having Alli so far away. For the first few weeks of the break, I couldn't text her or anything because it was too expensive being in Canada. We had to rely on Facebook chat. Thankfully, she's been back in the states for a while, so we've been in normal contact! I can't wait for the seven week break to be over so she will be back in Idaho!

Lastly, just want to throw it out there, I'm SO excited for August 24. Mockingjay will finally be in my hands. I have been re-reading The Hunger Games and Catching Fire and initially I was pulling for I'm pulling for Gale...but then sometimes Peeta...but then back to Gale...ahhh the torture! I just need to know!

The end. :)