Thursday, February 10, 2011


Hello friends. Since I had a few people tell me they like the wedding planning posts, I decided it's time for another one! So, since my last post, we have done a few more things. Mathew and I went to Hart's and got him fitted for his tuxedo. He looks amazing in it. And his vest is awesome, I love it. We bought the fabric to make Ethan and Eddie's (cutest nephews ever) vests and bow ties. We also bought little Lily (cutest niece ever) a dress. I'm not totally committed to it but it's an option just in case. We also got all the bridesmaids scarves for their little outfits and I picked out a design for their headbands too. Ah I'm so excited for the bridesmaids' outfits. I want one. My daddy ordered his awesome crepe maker for the crepe bar so please come if you want an incredible crepe. :) Good thing I have to stand in line because otherwise I'd probably eat like ten crepes. We have purchased other things but they aren't very exciting so I will leave them out.

Last, I have another blog link. I'm thinking I want to make these for the reception. Yes? We'll see how difficult they are.


  1. love love love the new picture! so beautiful! also, crepes?! that is such a fun idea! love it!

  2. I love the idea of macarons, they're my favorite cookie. But I have to warn you, my sister is an amazing baker and it took her about a year to master macarons. They are very tricky to make; the go flat and burn so easily. So go for it if you want, but with all the stress of wedding plans, I just want to warn you that it might not be worth the hassle.

  3. Allie, thanks! I'm so excited, crepes are like my favorite food on earth!

    Brittany, thank you thank you for the warning. They look super intense and I wasn't sure if it would be worth it. Maybe that idea is going to get cut haha.
