Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My Current Antisocial Life

So being new to the blog scene, this first entry may be random and I still don't know what I will be writing so I will begin and see where it takes me.
Right now, I am off track. I will start school again on April 20 and I absolutely can't wait! I love school, no matter how nerdy it seems. I am all registered for classes and it's going to be a rough semester. I have Accounting, Economics, Business, Professional Communications and Book of Mormon. I also am going to continue working through the semester so that will make it even more crazy. I have no idea who my roommates are at this point and I am really hoping that they aren't psycho.
Until school starts I'm going to continue doing what I have since January: WORKING! I have been a work-a-holic since I got my job and I love it. I work at JCPenney in the suit department and I honestly could not have asked for a better job. I feel so blessed to have gotten such a good job in such a crappy economy. I work lots of hours and don't have a lot of down time but that's okay. When I do have down time, I spend it watching American Idol and Dancing With the Stars or reading.
Being off track during the winter has been both fantastic and lonely. I don't really have any friends because everyone is in school. I don't do anything social, I'm sure I could get out there more than I do, but it's really hard. Basically everyone in Idaho Falls that I know is still in high school. I have been going to the single's branch so that has helped but I don't do anything outside of the branch with anyone. Life has been great off track because for one I know that I'm not in Rexburg during the winter. I would hate walking around campus in the winter so that part has been excellent.
Like I said, I'm very excited to get back to school and meet new people and just get away from Idaho Falls, even if it is just by thirty minutes.

1 comment:

  1. You are brave! I would puke if I had to take those classes! :)
    I love the update on your life!
